Neighbourhood Plan – News and updates

November 24th 2016

  1. Website has been produced
  2. December 1st 2016C Newby discussing the NPD plan with parents at the Toddlers Group on December 1st at the Village HallDecember 2016Baseline documents are under review and should be completed by year endSecond application for funding is underwaySurvey data is being reviewed and will be published shortly
  3. 2017Event to produce information for draft policies scheduled to occur early 2017, probably February. Flyer to be issued in December 2016

December 6th 2016

  1. Event date has been confirmed as February 4th, 2017. The objective is to review the vision and objectives. Decide what specific policies are required for each of the six topics identified by the questionnaire and decide what the contents of each policy should contain. A flyer inviting residents will now be circulated in January (to avoid Christmas!).
  2. After the meeting draft policies will be published.

January 10th 2017

  1. Event to discuss policies will be at the Village Hall, 10am – 2pm, refreshments will be provided. A flyer will be distributed to all households and businesses by the 22nd Jan. Volunteers more than welcome.
  2. Baseline documents now issued. Questionnaire analysis needs a little input from the Working Group before publishing.
  3. We have draft consultation document which is the first step in producing a full plan and has some weight in law.

January 24th 2017

  1. Meeting to discuss consultation event. Flyers are in the process of being delivered to all. Thrussington Life will also advertise as will facebook page. Aim is to review vision and objectives and decide what policies are required and what each policy is required to achieve based on the evidence from the previous two consultations. NOTE: WE STILL NEED AS MANY RESIDENTS AS POSSIBLE TO HELP US

February 4th 2017

An event to discuss possible / potential policies for the Plan was held in the village hall with residents, Urban Imprint (our consultants), the Working Group and Parish Councillors attending. We finalised the Plan’s vision and objectives and had five groups covering possible requirements for topics on business and leisure, environment, housing, transport and infrastructure, design and heritage from the data gathered at the first analysis consultation and the questionnaire results and started to correlate with the strategic plan of Charnwood. The data is being collated and we will hold a further meeting to review the results in March.

March 16th 2017

We have received and reviewed a document outlining policy titles generated during the February consultation. This will be issued shortly. The target of the working group is to complete and issue a draft plan to the village for consultation by the end of April.

April 4th 2017

We have secured funding for the remainder of the project. A meeting is to be held next week with our consultants to discuss the format of the draft plan. At the Annual Parish Meeting, May 16th, a short review and update will be given to the Parish residents.

April 11th 2017

At todays meeting we discussed draft policies and finalised the Vision and Objectives. An asset list was produced and we will review at the next meeting. Introductory chapters to the plan have been outlined. The aim is to produce a draft plan by the beginning of May for the Working group to review prior to distribution to the Parish, Charnwood and other adjacent parishes and other stakeholders.

June 22nd 2017

A draft plan has now been produced. The Working Group has suggested amendments but it is anticipated that it will soon be ready for comment from residents and businesses.

June 27th 2017

Final changes to the draft plan have been agreed. The corrections are to made and the plan distributed to all residents, businesses and statutory bodies by July 28th, 2017. The consultation period for comments is to run from July 28th to September 22nd, 2017. On September 9th an event to discuss the plan with all interested will be held. Venue to be confirmed as soon as possible.

July 17th 2017

The draft plan has been printed and will be distributed next week. A feedback form for comments has been included and an invitation to an open meeting included. The open meeting will be held 9th September at the Village Hall between 10am and 2pm. The draft plan can also be seen and downloaded from the General Documents page of this site.

The Regulation 14 consultation period with residents, stakeholders and businesses will run from 28th July to 22 September,2017. It is your opportunity to request any modifications to the plan prior to submission to Charnwood Borough Council.

August 15th 2017

Draft plan has been distributed to all residences and businesses plus all mandatory bodies. It is early days yet but a number of positive responses have been received along with some suggested minor amendments from Charnwood, Melton, the Environmental Agency, residents and other mandatory bodies.

September 9th 2017

The open day was successful with a number of residents appearing at the Village hall and adding comments. All of which will be recorded and action taken if warranted. Many thanks to the East Goscote Scout Group for ensuring no one went hungry or thirsty.

December 2017

Revised document package was sent submitted to Charnwood Borough Council.

January 2018

Consultation period to run from January 2 to February 25 2018

March 2018

Documents are with Independent examiner

April 2018

Examiners report was issued recommending progress to public referendum on completion of modifications

June 2018

Documents approved and referendum date set as  August 2nd 2018 by electoral services













August 2018

Referendum: Verified count: 143 voted from voting population of 457. Turnout 31.3%.
Yes: 138
No: 5
Count verified and referendum passed,
Plan goes to council (Charnwood) to be adopted Sept 13th.