Neighbourhood Plan – Time line and documents

2015:               TP and MT suggested to Parish Council that a Neighbourhood Development Plan would be a good idea for village to adopt in light of changing legislation.

Nov 2015:        Parish Council formally agreed that a Plan would be pursued.

Dec 2015:        Working Group set up, parish defined as proposed designated area for Plan. Charnwood approached formally and request submitted.

Jan- Apr 2016: Six week consultation completed and Parish designated as area for Neighbourhood Plan approved 27/4/16. Urban Imprint chosen as partners (then BPUD). Applied for grant. Precept for village approved £1000 for work.

July 2 2016:     Initial consultation with village. Deemed successful with approx. 10% of village attending along with James Poland, local businesses, Hoby and Seagrave representatives. Data collected in form of a SWOT analysis for collation and analysis by Urban Imprint. Some other residents showed interest in joining / helping Working Group. First grant approved for £5506

September 2016: Questionnaire sent to all households and businesses within Parish. Forms collected early October for analysis.

December 2016: Questionnaire analysis received and under review by Working Group. Technical baseline attached and landscape study (partial) attached. Date set as February 4th for consultation event.

February 4th 2017: Meeting to produce draft policies from analysis of questionnaire returns.

April / May 2017. Draft plan outline sent for Working Group to review. Amendments suggested and sent to Urban Imprint. Key maps of green spaces, assets, wildlife corridors, footpaths etc being prepared for Urban imprint to incorporate into draft.

June 27th 2017: Agreed changes for draft plan to be circulated to residents, businesses and statutory bodies.

July 17th 2017: Draft plan printed.

August 2017: Draft plan distributed. Consultation period for Regulation 14 28th July – 22nd September

September 9th 2017: Open event run by Urban Imprint and Working Group to allow residents to discuss the plan.

October: 2017 Results collated from open event and feedback forms and meeting with Charnwood Borough Council. A meeting is to be held by the group to agree any recommendations for changes to the plan and start to produce a document bundle for regulation 15 submission to Charnwood.

November 2017: Documents for Regulation 15 submission to Charnwood Borough have been produced as drafts, reviewed and amendments suggested. The aim is to approve documents (Working Group and Parish Council) to submit in December.

December 2017: Document pack submitted to Charnwood for Regulation 15.

January 2018: Charnwood Borough Council considered the documents against statutory requirements and made them available at different locations for consultation as follows:

a. Thrussington Parish Village website

b.Thrussington Village Hall, Hoby Road, Thrussington, Leicestershire, LE7 4TH

c. Charnwood Borough Council’s dedicated Neighbourhood Plan website at:

d. Charnwood Borough Council Offices, Southfield Road, Loughborough, Leicestershire LE11 2TN – open Monday to Thursday 8.30am – 5pm and Friday 8.30am – 4.30pm

Any comments made on the Neighbourhood Plan and/or supporting documents should be sent to Charnwood Borough Council together with your name and address by email to:

Or in writing to:Planning Policy, Charnwood Borough Council, Council Offices, Southfield Road, Loughborough, LE11 2TN

February 28th, 2018: The consultation period has been completed and the Working Group is waiting to see if there were any recommendations. An external examiner has been appointed by Charnwood Borough Council who aims to visit the Parish next month and complete his examination for the end of March.

March 19th, 2018: The examiner visited the Parish mid March and has sent us a few queries for ourselves and Charnwood Borough Council. We have responded to Charnwood who will collate responses and forward them to the Examiner.

April 19th, 2018: Examiner issued his report and has recommended that once a few modifications and recommendations are made to the Plan then we can progress to a public referendum.

May 15th, 2018: Modifications made and approved by Charnwood. referendum date is to be arranged and must occur before August 2nd, 2018. The Parish was updated on progress at the AGM held 15th May.

June 14th 2018: Referendum date to be issued by Electoral Services by 28th June

June 28th 2018: Referendum date August 2nd 2018 and document package can be found on front page of the Neighbourhood Plan section of the web site

August 2nd, 2018: The voting slips were counted at 10pm. There was a 31.3% turnout (143 from 457 eligible to vote), the count was verified by Charnwood and the result was 138 for, 5 against. The Borough Council will formally adopt the plan on September 13th.

August 29th, 2018: Working Group was formally closed.


Forthcoming consultation on new Charnwood Plan

Following copied from email to all involved in Plans…

“Following on from the emails about the forthcoming consultation on the Draft Charnwood Local Plan, members of your council or group are invited to a briefing on the draft plan on Monday, 21st October starting at 5.30pm which will be held in the Preston Room, Woodgate Chambers, 70 Woodgate, Loughborough.


The briefing will cover:


  • why we need to review the Local Plan
  • what work and consultation has been undertaken to date
  • the Council’s emerging development strategy and proposed site allocations
  • the draft planning policies especially where changes to current policies are proposed
  • the relationship between the Draft Local Plan and Neighbourhood Plans
  • key upcoming dates for taking the Draft Local Plan forward.


The briefing will last about two hours.  Please let us know which members of your council or group wish to attend, by emailing  by Monday 14th October 2019, so that we can make appropriate arrangements for the meeting.


We look forward to hearing from you.”