Neighbourhood Plan – Topics

The launch event (July 2016) and Questionnaire (September 2016) have suggested various topics where it is believed we may require policies in our eventual plan. Theses areas are defined as:

  1. Housing
  2. Transport
  3. Business and economic activity
  4. Environment
  5. Leisure and recreation
  6. Design and heritage

Infrastructure (utilities and broadband) cannot be used to produce policies but recommendations will be included in the plan.

In determining the acceptability of proposals within Thrussington it is proposed that the following points, where relevant, should be used to guide the delivery of sustainable development:

  • Is of an appropriate design, which complements the local vernacular and character of the village
  • Protects and enhances the Parish’s archaeological assets whilst improving awareness and understanding of key sites
  • Protects and enhances the local landscape character
  • Protects long distance views and vistas into and out of the village
  • Is accessible by sustainable modes to local facilities (school, public houses, shops, church) with local shops easily accessible by public transport
  • Ensures that residential and business development contributes to the vitality and viability of the village
  • Does not increase the risk of flooding from either increased runoff or from building within flood risk areas
  • Preserves and enhances the local biodiversity network, paying special attention to the green and blue infrastructure network
  • Minimises traffic generated and introduces appropriate highways improvements and other mitigation to accommodate increased traffic flows
  • Is served by appropriate communications and utilities infrastructure, including broadband
  • Promotes a Parish free from noise, air and light pollution and other harm.

