– Business and economic activity

The Neighbourhood Plans encourages the creation and expansion of small employment sites and their role in supporting the economic vitality of the Parish. Rural industries appropriate and sensitive to their setting are supported. Care needs to be taken to ensure that this is not at the expense of residential amenity and out of scale industrial development undermining the rural character does not occur.

Key issues such as parking, access, traffic, pollution, infrastructure and protection of open space are considered by this policy to ensure the benefits of a scheme outweigh potential negative impacts.

Working from home, either self-employed (subject to relevant planning considerations) or in association with flexible working arrangements, can assist in supporting sustainable development objectives. It is crucial to have suitable facilities to enable this to be realised. This may include the provision of standalone garden office space, provision of flexible residential accommodation and/or the provision of suitable facilities in the form of additional plug sockets.

Broadband and mobile phone signal provision is a vital component of the sustainability of the Parish and the ability of businesses to operate within the area, in addition to the ability of residents to work from home, of whom there are an increasing number.