Current plans submitted for Thrussington

Despite the draft Charnwood Local Plan being dated 2021 to 2037, it is still under discussion and unlikely to be complete until the early summer of 2024 at the earliest. The inspectors who examined the plan in June 2022, February 2023 and February 2024 have still not produced their report, which, once published, will be followed by more consultations. It’s possible that the planning applications below will not be granted or refused until after the local plan is complete, but minor updates continue in the meantime, so brief comments will be posted here. If you have any comments or queries please email

Latest updates visible on Charnwood’s Planning websites, as at 12/05/2024

Hoby Road: The developer now has an appeal in progress, criticising Charnwood’s delay in judging their original March 2023 application for 9 homes. Though this is hopefully unlikely to succeed, there is a chance that outline planning permission will be granted by the Secretary of State. More details on this process are available here. The new application (see below) for 26 homes is largely on the same site, though it has increased in size to include the area immediately adjoining gardens of Glebeland Close. The Parish Council has objected again (with reasons summarised here), as have more than 70 villager submissions. Additional traffic and biodiversity reports have been loaded on Charnwood’s planning portal, but no feedback has yet been logged from planning officers.

Old Gate Road: This application is still under consideration within the planning team and has not yet come to the planning committee. The latest comments on the planning portal date from the 3rd April, requesting a minerals assessment from the developers and resident/councillor comments on 15th January follow up on the risks of increasing problems with flooding and sewerage if this development goes ahead.

Local Plan: The inspectors requested further information again from Charnwood in March, with responses logged on the Examination Latest News page here. More consultation will be needed after the publication of the inspectors’ notice of main modifications, with details not yet known. Charnwood are still hoping to adopt the plan later this year.

HOBY ROAD (Local Plan site HA67)

  • The new application for 26 homes, reference P/24/0251/2 was registered on 20th February 2024. This site, most of which is currently a green field with ancient ridge and furrow markings, is used as pasture, for grazing sheep and is a valuable wildlife habitat. It was originally recommended in the Charnwood Local Plan (see below) for 30 houses, including affordable ones. The Local Plan is still not yet adopted, but has now been examined, with feedback from inspectors due this summer.
  • The planning application above is an alternative use of the site proposed in March 2023, reference P/23/0406/2 for 9 large houses (pictured below).
  • James Poland, Borough and County Councillor, has already objected to this application, as described in this Leicester Mercury article.

OLD GATE ROAD (Local Plan site HA68)

  • Submitted in August 2022, planning application P/22/1539/2 for 68 new homes off Old Gate Road had a consultation period starting on 21st October and finishing on 30th November. Over 200 comments on these plans were submitted by villagers and details of Parish Council and other objections are on this page. Decisions on this application are expected maybe in spring/summer 2023.


  • Numerous village objections to the Charnwood Local Plan 2021-2037 were made during the initial consultation in August 2021, and the inspection process is now planned to recommence in February 2023. Two sites, totalling 90 houses have been proposed for Thrussington and our progress reports on this plan are detailed on this page.